Topics that aren't specific to cryptography will be dumped here.
Machine Learning
This section will talk about some algorithms commonly used for machine learning and signal processing.
- A Guide to Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- A Tutorial on Cepstrum and LPCCs
- A tutorial on Automatic Language Identification - ngram based
- A tutorial on Automatic Language Identification - word based
- An Intuitive Discrete Fourier Transform Tutorial
- Approximating a function with a polynomial
- Documentation for matlab_speech_features
- Encoding Variables For Neural Networks
- Fitting a polynomial to a set of points
- Gaussian Mixture Model Tutorial
- Graphically Determining Backpropagation Equations
- Hidden Markov Model (HMM) Tutorial
- Implementing the Dolph-Chebyshev Window
- Linear Prediction Tutorial
- Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) tutorial
- Speech Enhancement tutorial: Spectral Subraction
- Voice Activity Detection (VAD) Tutorial
- Yet Another K-Means Tutorial
Pages related to games and puzzles
pycipher is a python module that provides many simple cipher algorithms for use in python.