Spanish Letter Frequencies
All text files provided are encoded in utf-8. The frequencies from this page are generated from about 90 Million characters of Spanish text, sourced from Wortschatz. The text files containing the counts can be used with and used for breaking ciphers, see this page for details, just substitute out the English ngram file for the one you want. If you want to compute the letter frequencies of your own piece of text you can use this page.
Monogram Frequencies §
Spanish single letter frequencies are as follows (in percent %):
A : 12.50 K : 0.08 T : 4.42 B : 1.27 L : 5.84 U : 4.00 C : 4.43 M : 2.61 V : 0.98 D : 5.14 N : 7.09 W : 0.03 E : 13.24 Ñ : 0.22 X : 0.19 F : 0.79 O : 8.98 Y : 0.79 G : 1.17 P : 2.75 Z : 0.42 H : 0.81 Q : 0.83 I : 6.91 R : 6.62 J : 0.45 S : 7.44
The spanish_monograms.txt file provides the counts used to generate the frequencies above:
Bigram Frequencies §
We can't list all of the bigram frequencies here, the top 30 are the following (in percent %):
DE : 2.57 AD : 1.43 TA : 1.09 ES : 2.31 AR : 1.43 TE : 1.00 EN : 2.27 RE : 1.42 OR : 0.98 EL : 2.01 AL : 1.33 DO : 0.98 LA : 1.80 AN : 1.24 IO : 0.98 OS : 1.79 NT : 1.22 AC : 0.96 ON : 1.61 UE : 1.21 ST : 0.95 AS : 1.56 CI : 1.15 NA : 0.92 ER : 1.52 CO : 1.13 RO : 0.85 RA : 1.47 SE : 1.11 UN : 0.84
The spanish_bigrams.txt file provides the counts used to generate the frequencies above:
Trigram Frequencies §
We can't list all of the trigram frequencies here, the top 30 are the following (in percent %):
DEL : 0.75 EST : 0.48 PAR : 0.32 QUE : 0.74 LOS : 0.47 DES : 0.31 ENT : 0.67 ODE : 0.47 ESE : 0.30 ION : 0.56 ADO : 0.45 IEN : 0.30 ELA : 0.55 RES : 0.40 ALA : 0.29 CON : 0.54 STA : 0.38 POR : 0.29 SDE : 0.52 ACI : 0.36 ONE : 0.29 ADE : 0.51 LAS : 0.35 NDE : 0.29 CIO : 0.50 ARA : 0.34 TRA : 0.28 NTE : 0.49 ENE : 0.32 NES : 0.27
The spanish_trigrams.txt file provides the counts used to generate the frequencies above:
Quadgram Frequencies §
We can't list all of the quadgram frequencies here, the top 30 are the following (in percent %):
CION : 0.42 MENT : 0.16 NCIA : 0.14 DELA : 0.33 IONE : 0.16 AQUE : 0.14 ACIO : 0.27 ODEL : 0.16 SQUE : 0.14 ENTE : 0.25 ONDE : 0.16 ENCI : 0.13 ESTA : 0.22 OQUE : 0.15 ENLA : 0.13 ESDE : 0.22 IDAD : 0.15 ENTR : 0.13 PARA : 0.19 ELOS : 0.15 IENT : 0.12 ONES : 0.17 ADEL : 0.15 ASDE : 0.12 SDEL : 0.17 ANTE : 0.15 ENEL : 0.12 OSDE : 0.17 ENTO : 0.14 DELO : 0.12
The spanish_quadgrams.txt file provides the counts used to generate the frequencies above:
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